E.ON - ‘London’s Lungs’
PR, Experiential
E.ON - ‘London’s Lungs’ case study film
Air pollution contributes to 1 in 20 deaths in the UK. Thankfully, E.ON offers innovative clean energy solutions. The problem is, air pollution is largely invisible in the UK - most people put it to the back of their minds because they can’t see it. So how could E.ON highlight this unseen killer to start the conversation about its clean air credentials?
We made the invisible unmissable: the campaign launched in central London with a 16 ft tall pair of glass lungs. Throughout the day the installation tracked and displayed the city’s air quality by pulling in live pollution data. When levels surpassed the World Health Organisation guidelines, the lungs became polluted with smoke representing the toxic air Londoners breathe in every day.
‘London’s Lungs’ featured on both the BBC and ITV news, and extensively in the national press and online, earning free media coverage with a reach of 120 million in the first 24 hours.